Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I love DC for many reasons and being home for the holidays reassures my love...Overheard...

Metro Behaving Badly
On the Green Line at Chinatown:

About 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday a guy gets on selling CD's.

Guy in a loud voice: "CDs... DVDs... I got the latest hits. Anyone want to buy some
"CDs... DVDs..."
"I got PORNOS. Get your pornos..."
(No response, a few people chuckle)
"I got MIDGET pornos y'all..."
(Laughter from a few folks, but no buyers.)
"I got midget pornos... Get your midget pornos..."
(Still no buyers.)
"No one wants midget pornos? Alright then, I've got Barack Obama T-shirts, cause it's time for a change!"
(The train erupts in laughter)

Regarding Matters Of National Security

In Crystal City:

An early- to mid-40s male walking down Crystal Drive, talking on a cell phone:

Guy, loudly into the phone: "(Name), the weapons are fine..."
Shouting into the phone while holding it in front of his mouth: "I SAID THE WEAPONS ARE FINE! THEY ARRIVED SAFELY!"

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