Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Quotes

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

"Excellence Is To Do A Common Thing In An Uncommon Way" - ??

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" - MLK JR

Wax In My Toes.

Wax In My Toes.

Addicted to the wax and sand that gets stuck on and between my toes, carried up and somehow, over time, ends up in my bed. Love my Volvo. Loving my veggies. Tomatoes, i could eat like an apple...Blueberries by the handful. Corn, steamed and stuck in your teeth. Avocados, guacamole or by the half with a spoon. Salmon w/ jasmine rice and green beans. Artichokes steamed for the hearts and the leftover water makes great tea! I love FOOD! Yum... Dont forget the Stella Artois...ok and the wine! I love to sleep with the windows open, i like to drive around and just think...I like to wake up really early and get coffee and go look at the waves. Its the best when its the middle of winter (California winter i might note..not really winter compared to places where you actually feel the seasons changing), when the air is cold, you can roll down the windows and put the heater on your feet. The best feeling in the world, is when you duck dive under waves. My favorite smell is fresh laundry and clean air. And that scent your girlfriend leaves on your pillow. I like taking part in random acts of kindness and conducting positive energy to those around me. I take pride in striving towards being one of the best friends any of my friends will ever have. Taking care of my Kaia, family and friends come first, then myself. I love living alone, its one of the best decisions i ever made for myself. Ive learned that a strong foundation is necassary in the attempt to live out your dreams. Everything in moderation. Honesty is always the best policy and patience is key. I have huge amounts of love and appreciation for the life i have been given. Thanks TP.